Peru, 1992

At the beginning of 90's, the telephone card system in Peru was operated by three different telcos, one private and two government: TELE 2000, Entel Peru and CPT. Coincidently the three launched their system at…

Canada, 1988

In Canada the so-called "remote-memory" cards were widely used, as well as in the United States. However, the first cards in use in the country were provided by GPT, for a field trial conducted at…

Brazil, 1987

Brazil is home to inductive cards, invented by Nelson G. Bardini in 1978, and thousands of different ones have been issued over the years. However, after several years of experimentation, it was only in 1992…

Bolivia, 1990

Several public telephone card systems were used in Bolivia over the years by various telephone companies: magnetic, inductive, chip, remote memory... however, the first telephone cards were issued by the Entel company and were supplied…

Belize, 1994

The US company Elcotel Inc. began testing a telephone system based on chip cards in 1995, but in reality a trial with inductive cards, of the type used in Brazil, was conducted the previous year.…

Grenada, 1989

As for other Caribbean islands, also for Grenada GPT manufactured a set of 4 cards (EC$5.40, EC$10, EC$20, EC$40), all with the same picture on them, and the EC$5.40 value was included in the Cable…

Paraguay, 1997

What is commonly considered the first issue of Paraguay, in reality has never been used in that country or elsewhere. It is a Landis & Gyr 120 units and code 901A, produced in 1989. The…

Panama, 1997

The first issue of Panama is a series of three phone cards, with values of $ 5, $ 10 and $ 20, all with the image of the Cable and Wireless logo. Subsequently they were…

Alaska (U.S.A.), 1993

Alaska, northwest of Canada, is the largest and least populous state in the United States. Although part of the U.S.A.,there were issued some chip cards that could be used only on site, in Schlumberger phones…

Guatemala, 2001

Telgua (Teléfonos de Guatemala) is the largest telecommunications company in Guatemala. Founded in 2001, in that year it issued the first telephone card: called "Ladatel", and very similar to those used in neighboring Mexico, it…